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Vanessa Kulynych, cpb

Team Manager & QBO Specialist

Hello, my name is Vanessa. I was formerly a long-term resident of Saskatchewan and made the exciting move to Alberta in 2017. I spent 26 years in progressive roles with-in large retail chains during my time in Saskatchewan but found the draw of family and new business opportunities too enticing to turn down.

I have 5 years of bookkeeping experience using QuickBooks Online and come with a wide array of previous experience in Profit & Loss reporting, inventory control & measures, and accounts payable and receivable.

I love working for ALL-PRO Business & Bookkeeping Corp. because of the collaborative work environment, the wide-array of business clients we work for, and for bookkeeping itself. I just love making things accurate.

Fun Facts: I really enjoy golfing – I am not a pro by any stretch, but I can get a par once in awhile. Camping, fishing, golfing with friends and family are the best ways to spend my spare time

ALL-PRO Online: Your Edson, AB -Based Expert

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